Friday, September 20, 2013

Bonsoir toute le monde,
Greetings from Bafia, Cameroon. My journey has begun, and a journey it has been thus far. This is a test post, so it shall be brief, but I needed to do it so as to not let it fall by the wayside. The ups and downs of the transition I am currently undergoing have been trying to say the least. Saying goodbye to loved ones and putting a life I loved behind me has proven to be one of the biggest tests I have yet to endure. Yet here I am, en Afrique for 27 months. I will go now. But I'd appreciate it if every reader did something for me. This is my third day in Bafia, and the first two nights I have slept for a combined 1.5 hours. Both nights I have woken within an hour of falling asleep, to a burning sensation in my head and neck, which has disabled my ability to sleep any further. So to my readers, pray, visualize, chant, sing a song, or do a dance, put out the positive energy so that I can have a restful evening. Au revior!


  1. You should sleep good tonight (or maybe you are right now) because I have the power to make it happen! Love you TEE JAY!!!!!

  2. Sleep well my little one. I LOVE you. God Bless <3
